


正是橙黄橘绿时!这些和秋天有关的成语,英语怎么说?秋色宜人. 那么你知道这些成语怎么翻译成英语吗? 我们一起来看看~ 秋天成语的英语表达硕果累累:The autumn trees yield a lot of fruit. 五谷丰登:We have a bumper harvest with all types of crops. 秋高气爽:The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp and cool. 秋色宜人:The autumn scenery等会说。



英语小贴士:砍价必备英语口语指南【英语小知识:购物砍价必备英语口语】1. Can you give me a discount? 你能给我打个折吗? 2. Is there any room for negotiation on the price? 这个价格还有商量的余地吗? 3. I'm looking for a good deal. Can you lower the price? 我在找好交易,能降低价格吗? 4. What's the best price you ca是什么。


用来描述食物的词条,英语句子English cuisines 16 a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup 17 All you have to do is select the photos of healthy food. 18 a sugar addict 19 to wait until everyone else has been served before you start eating 20 When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 21 the most tender steak 22 a smo说完了。

狗相关的英语谚语,英语教程受排斥的Being in the doghouse with his boss may affect his career in the future. 他失宠于老板,也许会影响到他将来的事业。10. to let sleeping dogs lie 别惹麻烦;别多事You better not discuss this matter; just let sleeping dogs lie. 你最好别谈这件事,让其相安无事吧! 11.最后两个夏天的表是什么。


限制刷屏时间的办法,英语作文Limit Screen Time for Kids 1. TikTok introduces screen time limits for the accounts of users aged under 18. 2. Children under 13 will require a parent or guardian to type in a password to continue scrolling through their feed. 13岁以下的孩子如果需要继续浏览内容则需要一位家长或监护人输等我继续说。

“轨道交通站名增设英语翻译”,不妨听一听网友建议 | 新京报快评增添一个英文翻译,便于外国人按图索骥。比如在“XX DAXUE”后面增添一个“XX University”的说明,其实就清晰了很多,也能更好地起到翻译的作用。也正如网友所说,很多地铁“采用的是电子报站牌,修改起来应该很容易”,确实,这只需要增添几个滚动字幕即可。而且,地铁站名的翻译好了吧!



地道英语口语表达:形容“天气热”的多种方式形容“天气热”的地道英语口语表达: 1. It’s muggy outside. 天太闷了=It’s a muggy day. 2. It’s a scorcher out there. 外面太阳热辣辣的(形容室外)。3. It’s boiling out there. 天热得跟水煮沸了一样。4. It’s ridiculously hot.简直热得离谱。5. Trees and grass are parched.树和草都被烤后面会介绍。



